Messem, Felgar and Crop’s:
strong partners in the world of strawberries
The synergy between Felgar and Messem has always been apparent and this partnership is as clear and strong as ever. Felgar provides the carefully selected growers with strawberry rootstocks selected with equal care. Together with Felgar (and other industry stakeholders, if desired), Messem advises growers on cultivation practices and the optimum use of agrochemicals. Felgar also arranges the distribution of strawberries to fresh markets and supermarket chains throughout Europe, usually until March. The month of March is also when Messem begins processing frozen strawberries for the industrial market.
Messem is a proud member of ‘Crop’s & Partners’, the leading producer of frozen fruits and vegetables. With worldwide locations and affiliations, this Belgian multinational offers partners such as Messem even more strength and stability. For more information, visit